Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev said Wednesday the breakaway ethnic Armenian province Nargorno Karabach would have to remain a part of  his country and warned against the dangers of secessionism, Deutsche Presse-Agentur reported.  (28 August 2004)


Pointing to millions of Armenians who live in communities around the  world, Aliyev asked what other countries would do if faced with similar threats of Armenians voting to secede.   “Just imagine if Armenians, everywhere they live in the world would start to think about self-determination and just imagine how many  Armenian states that would turn up on the world map,” said Aliyev speaking through a translator after talks with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.  

Disputed Enclave

Nargorno Karabach is an ethnic Armenian enclave within Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized borders which broke away from Baku’s control in the early 1990s.  Armenia backs secessionists in Nagorno Karabach and militarily occupies about one-sixth of Azerbaijan. The Organization for Security  and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) continues to mediate disputes.  

Germany backs peaceful settlement

Chancellor Schroeder insisted Azerbaijan’s old borders remained recognised by Berlin and said Germany would continue to back OSCE moves aimed at a political resolution of the disputed territory.  

Aliyev’s message

Aliyev said he wanted Armenians to live in Azerbaijan and in Nargorno Karabach – but under Baku’s control. “This policy of the Armenians has had no success and I hope the Armenians will soon understand this and withdraw their armed forces from the occupied territories,” said Aliyev, adding: “Then we can live in peace.”