The Human Rights Houses in Oslo and Trondheim, the latter unattached to the HRH Network, has met to discuss ways to establish closer contact and co-operation between the two long established centrepoints for independent human rights work in Norway’s cities number one and three, respectively. (26-AUG-04)

It was last week that Niels Jacob Harbitz from the Network´s secretariat in Oslo attended a freedom of expression conference in Trondheim and raised the issue with those in charge there. The suggestion was met with excitement and Bernt Hauge of the Human Rights House in Trondheim left no doubt that the idea ought to be explored further. Hauge will most probably attend HRH´s 10th anniversary conference ´Activists under Attack. Defending the Right to be a Human Rights Defender,´ to take place at the House in Oslo on the 13th and 14th of October.

The exact framework within which future contact and co-operation will take place, will be discussed on that occasion. In the future, it is possible that all three Human Rights Houses in Norway, the ones in Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim, can put their names to authority approaches and thus add further weight to those.