Taliyat Aliyev, the Secretary on Organizational Issues of Azerbaijan Democratic Party (ADP) has been detained by Prosecutor Administration of Nasimi District on 12 August 2004. He was detained in relation to scandal at the court trial of seven opposition party leaders, who were arrested just aftermath the disputed presidential elections of last fall. (16 August 2004)



Dynamic activist


T. Aliyev, who is an active member of opposition’s ADP, had been detained several times in the course of the pre-election period of 2003’ October and had faced numerous pressures, intimidations due to his political stance and belief. Previously, the detainee had been severely beaten up and tortured during his detention term at the Department on Struggle against Organized Crime in September of 2003.


The incident


On 12 August 2004, the policeman of Baku City Police Department Shamil Hasanov gave testimony at the court trial of arrested opposition leaders and insulted defendants by using foul language. Taliyat Aliyev, who was present at the sitting, in his turn has made an unquotable reply to policemen. The latter attempted to make a punch on Aliyev, but people around him did not allow him to do it.

Following this incident, Taliyat Aliyev was summoned to Nasimi District court and suffered a penalty of 85 thousand AZM (17$) for disturbing public order. Moreover,  he was also called to Nasimi District’s Prosecutor Administration, which instituted a criminal proceeding against to Aliyev.

Currenly, Aliyev has an access to lawyer, Namizad Safarov, who noted that the criminal proceeding was instituted under article 299.3 (insult and pressure on witness) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan Republic.


In its statement, the ADP said that the arrest of T. Aliyev is a political order of Azerbaijan’s top officials and intended to stifle the active opposition-minded people.