Acting Chechen President Sergei Abramov narrowly escaped injury in a bomb attack in Grozny on Tuesday. One person was killed and another two were injured when an explosive device was set off on Tuesday in the Leninsky region of Grozny near acting Chechen President Sergei Abramov´s convoy. Abramov was not injured. (13-JULY-04)

Deputy Chechen Interior Minister Ruslan Alkhanov, who was present at the scene of the bombing, told  that one of Abramov´s guards was killed in the explosion. Two more people, members of Abramov´s convoy, were seriously wounded.

He said that the bomb went off as Abramov´s convoy was leaving the area after Abramov had finished inspecting objects which are to be restored in the district. Abramov´s car had already passed the bomb when it exploded.

Investigators are working at the crime scene. Measures are being taken to identify and detain those involved in the bombing.