Preliminary Conference Program
Activists under Attack. Defending the Right to be a Human Rights Defender
The Norwegian Human Rights House, Tordenskioldsgate 6b, Oslo, Norway
Wednesday, 13 October 2004
Part 1: Opening Session
09.00: Welcoming address, Ms Maria Dahle, Executive Director,
Human Rights House Foundation
09.10: Topic: Norwegian support to human rights defenders
Lecturer: Mr Thorbjørn Jagland, Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Norwegian Parliament.
09.25: Topic: The importance of networks in strengthening the security of human rights defenders.
Suggested lecturer: Ms Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2003, Iranian lawyer and human rights activist.
09.50: Topic: Contemporary attacks on the idea of human rights. Cases, arguments and counter-arguments.
Suggested lecturer: Mr Wole Soyinka, playwright, poet, and novelist, winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize in Literature.
10.15: Topic: Status report on the situation for human rights defenders worldwide. Analysis of trends. Recommendations and follow-up.
Suggested lecturer: Ms Hina Jilani, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Human Rights Defenders
11.00: Coffee break
Part 2: Perspectives on civil society
11.15: Topic: The role of human rights defenders in the development of democracies.
Lecturer: Mr Bernt Hagtvet, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo.
Part 3: Mechanisms in the suppression and protection of civil society
12.15: Topic: Implications of counter-terrorism and security legislation for the work of human rights defenders.
Lecturer: Mr Gara LaMarche, Vice President and Director of U.S. Programs, Open Society Institute.
12.45: Lunch
13.30: Artistic interlude
13.45: Topic: Lobbying for the UN Resolution for human rights defenders.
Recommendations and implementation.
Lecturer: Mr Jan E. Helgesen, Assistant Professor, Norwegian Institute of Human Rights.
14.15: Topic: Mechanisms of suppression and methods of prevention. The psychology of
humiliation in armed conflicts.
Lecturer: Ms Evelin Lindner, Dr.Med and Dr.Psychol, University of Oslo.
14.45: Coffee break
15.00-16.00: Plenary Session
Thursday 14 October 2004
09.00: Introduction, Ms Mette Newth, Board Member, Human Rights House Foundation, Project Manager and Chair of International Steering Committee for an International bibliographic database on censorship and freedom of expression for the new library in Alexandria.
Part 1) European initiatives in supporting human rights defenders
09.15: Topic: Council of Europe (CoE) support to human rights defenders
Suggested lecturer: Mr. Alvaro Gil-Robles, Commissioner for Human Rights, CoE
09.45: Topic: Methods in the protection of human rights defenders. Intervention to prevent or find solutions in repressive situations.
Lecturer: International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
10.15: Topic: The legal protection of human rights defenders. Ensuring and maintaining the “contextual space” in which defenders operate (the right to assembly and expression, the possibility to legally register and obtain funding).
Suggested lecturer: Ms Leanne M MacMillan, Executive Director, Interights
10.45: Coffee break
11.00: Title: Strengthening the capacity of human rights defenders: The Human Rights House initiative. Case: Sarajevo.
Suggested lecturer: Mr Srdjan Dizdarevic, Director, Human Rights House of Sarajevo.
Part 2) Testimonies from grass-root activists
11.15: Ms Özlem Dalkiran, Chair, Amnesty International Turkey
11.30: Mr Andrej Dynko, Vice President of the Belarusian Pen Center
11.45: Mr Martin Masiga, Office of the National Co-ordinator, Human Rights Network of Uganda
12.00: Lunch
12.45: Artistic interlude
Part 3) Making human rights work: Recommendations and follow-up
13.00: Plenary Session
14.30-15.30: Statement