The HRH secretariat has received an invitation to be distributed throughout the network, for everyone interested to attend the Oslo based Centre for Peace-building and Conflict Management´s workshop to take place in Oslo from 22nd to 25th of April. Read more, and – if this is of relevance – sign up. (27-JAN-04)

The Centre for Peacebuilding and Conflict Management (CCM) has educated trainers and teachers in the fields of human rights, democracy, peacebuilding, conflict management and all other fields related to the establishment and consolidation of sustainable, democratic societies for more than eight years. Other institutions have provided similar courses. Hence, as of today, spread across Europe, there are hundreds of trainers of this kind. Many of these work with the same problems, and even towards very similar solutions. Now, CCM, says in its invitation, the time has come to bring as many as possible of all these trainers together. The purpose of the gathering is therefore rather informal, namly for those who attend to get to know each other, exchange work related experience and accumulated know-how and discuss how the training the educated trainers provide may improve even further.

Further information on the event can be found at

Registration forms are to be found at