When: Friday, 27. May 2016 11:30 – 12:30
To: Saturday, 28. May 2016
Where: Oslo, Egertorget
Host: Spot for Rights, Den norske Helsingforskomitè, Norsk Pen, Human Rights House Network, Amnesty International
More info: www.facebook.com/events/618329244989338/

Jailed Azerbaijani journalist Khadija Ismayilova will be marking her 40th birthday in prison on Friday, 27th May 2016. Arrested in December 2014, Khadija is serving a 7.5-year prison sentence in Azerbaijan on politically motivated charges of tax evasion, illegal entrepreneurship, and abuse of power.

The real reason for Khadija’s imprisonment, however, is her work as an investigative journalist. For many years, Khadija has been one of very few journalists in Azerbaijan remaining willing to explore risky topics like human rights abuses and corruption among Azerbaijan’s ruling elite. Her reporting shed light on many truths the Azerbaijani authorities would prefer to keep hidden, and she is paying a high price for her courageous work.

Khadija’s arrest took place against the backdrop of an unprecedented human rights crackdown in Azerbaijan, as authorities worked aggressively to silence criticism and restrict the rights to freedom of expression, assembly, and association. She is one of dozens of political prisoners currently detained in Azerbaijani jails.