When: Thursday, 21. March 2013
To: Friday, 22. March 2013
Where: Kyiv (Ukraine), Hotel Ramada Encore Kyiv
Host: United Nations Development Programme
Contact: Florian Irminger, Head of Advocacy and HRHF Geneva Office (florian.irminger@humanrightshouse.org / +41 79 751 80 42)

Representatives of civil society and media from Ukraine and the CIS region, representatives of Government and NHRIs, and international experts, will meet on 21 and 22 March 2013 in a public open space for critical analysis and constructive dialogue about the human rights situation in Ukraine and the CIS region.

Florian Irminger, Human Rights House Foundation’s Head of Advocacy and Geneva Office, will be present and take the floor at the opening session. He will focus on trends affecting human rights defenders and the way civil society is resisting criminalisation of its work and activities in inter alia Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

HRHF’s International Advocacy Officer Anna Innocenti will focus her intervention in a panel discussion about taming the leviathan by joining efforts for change on the ways human rights defenders can use international mechanisms in their daily work and the effect those can have.

Organisers of the conference: