When: Wednesday, 6. March 2013 14:00
To: Wednesday, 6. March 2013
Where: Geneva, Palais des Nations
Host: Human Rights House Foundation & CIVICUS
Contact: Anna Innocenti (Anna.Innocenti@humanrightshouse.org / +41 22 33 22 556)

On 6 March, HRHF in cooperation with DOSH, International Youth Human Rights MovementCIVICUS, Freedom House, Human Rights Watch and the International Federation of Human Rights will host a side-event on “Criminalisation of human rights defenders in the Russian Federation”.

Speakers will include:

The recent spate of regulation coupled with ongoing judicial harassment and intimidation of civil society activists severely undermines the work of human rights defenders and has led to a general climate of repression in the country. It is imperative that the international community reacts against such mechanisms aimed at criminalising the work of human rights defenders, which contradict international agreements and standards.
