When: Tuesday, 18. September 2012
To: Friday, 5. October 2012
Host: Human Rights House Network
Contact: ilia.belarus@humanrightshouse.org

Call for Applications

to participate in the training for lawyers and advocates

under the “International Law in Advocacy”


About the program

Secretariat of the International Human Rights House Network – Human Rights House Foundation announces a call for Belarusian lawyers and advocates to participate in a study group on international human rights within the framework of “International law to protect the public interest” network program.

The program is aimed at training the specialists who professionally use norms of international and constitutional law in national systems and at the international level.

The purpose of the training is to familiarise the participants with the theoretical and practical aspects of professional use of rule of law through the application of international legal standards, first of all, at the national level.

The training participants will be able to study the substance of norms of international law and the procedural tools to protect the rights and freedoms on the basis of Articles 19, 21, 22 and 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and Articles 6, 10 and 11 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The program uses methods that allow the participants to apply this knowledge during the learning process.

The training program is designed for one year and consists of a series of sessions (workshops), which will be held in Ukraine and Lithuania during 2012 – 2013.

Number of participants: 20.

Each session will combine theoretical and practical classes, discussions and debates.

Frequency of sessions: one session in one to two months. Duration of the first session – 7 days (including the days of arrival / departure), duration of all the subsequent sessions – 3 days.

Between the sessions the participants will have to do a significant amount of homework in order to study a range of international conventions and treaties, familiarise themselves with the history and philosophy of human rights, the precedents of international judicial and quasi-judicial bodies, as well as prepare written work applying the international and constitutional law norms. Homework will be checked during each session, starting with the second.

The format and content of the study process

During the six sessions, the participants will learn the basic principles and concepts of international human rights law at the international and national levels, will gain knowledge on national and international instruments and mechanisms of protection based on international and constitutional law, will receive in-depth information on issues of constitutionalism and individual civil and political rights and freedoms, become familiar with the jurisprudence of international and quasi-judicial bodies. This part of the course will consist of lectures as well as meetings with experts and leading professionals from foreign and international bodies and human rights organisations.

At the first session the participants will be offered a choice of topics for future essays, which they have to prepare for homework and submit for review. The topics of the essays are to address the program-related issues. Cases from international and national jurisprudence are welcome in the essays. 

Starting from the second session, the participants will receive tasks for unassisted work, which should be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the national and international law. At the beginning of each session, the participants will be given an opportunity to make presentations of their works. Each work will be evaluated and marked by experts.

At the end of the training the 7th joint session with the participants from the second group – human rights activists who completed the special program on constitutional law in 2013-2014 – will be held.
