When: Friday, 22. June 2012 10:30-13:00
Where: London, Free Word Centre, EC1R 3GA
Host: Index on Censorship, Free Word Centre and LIFT (London International Festival of Theatre)
More info: www.indexoncensorship.org/2012/04/coming-up-22-june-changing-the-face-of-freedom-a-half-day-conference/

In a half-day conference of panel discussion and breakout sessions, we will explore how exile, expression, revolution and democracy variously constrain or simulate artistic freedom of expression.

This event is a partnership between Index on Censorship, Free Word Centre and LIFT (London International Festival of Theatre), a biennial festival taking place every other summer in theatres, arts venues and sites across London. LIFT 2012 runs from 12 June to 15 July.