When: Thursday, 6. October 2011 10.00–12.30
Where: Olso, Saga Kino (Saga Cinema),
Contact: (campdelta@fritt-ord.no)
More info: www.fritt-ord.no

Human rights organisations all over the world have condemned the unlawful treatment of the 778 prisoners in the Guantanamo Bay detention camps. In recent years, 600 of them have been released but they have been denied any opportunity to have their cases tried before US courts. What conditions are these extrajudicial former detainees and their families living under today? What is the fate of prisoners who still remain at Camp Delta? How long can the US and Europe continue to overlook this “legal black hole” without facing the inhumanity of Guantanamo, including its unconstitutional origins and its permanent pain? Meet four of the former prisoners and leading lawyers at this seminar.

Terje Svabø Moderator

Panel of international experts will discuss following topics:

THE MAIN PROBLEMS FOR GUANTANAMO DETAINEES AND THEIR FAMILIES-Moazzam Begg, Director for Cageprisoners, London. From Birmingham, England. Spent three years in captivity at the US detention facilities in Afghanistan and Guantanamo. Released in 2005.
TESTIMONIES-Sami al-Hajj, Sudan. Lives in Qatar. The only journalist at Guantanamo. Worked as a camera man for Al Jazeera when he was arrested. Held there for more than six years. Today he is in charge of Al Jazeera’s human rights office. Participated in many of the hunger strikes at Guantanamo. Walid Muhammad Hajj, Sudan. Lives in Khartoum. He served six years and seven months at Guantanamo. Omar Deghayes, Libya. Lives in London. Spent five years at Guantanamo, experiencing severe torture and mistreatment. In the leadership of Cageprisoners.
LEGAL ISSUES-Talal al-Zahrani, Saudi Arabia. Former colonel in the Saudi Arabian police. His son Yasser died inside Guantanamo in 2006. Professor and director Mark Denbeaux, Seton Hall University School of Law, Center for Policy and Research.
EUROPEAN ACCOUNTABILITY-Irmina Pacho, Polish lawyer, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. John Peder Egenæs, Secretary General, Amnesty International Norway. Michael Ratner, President of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), New York.

For tickets, e-mail: campdelta@fritt-ord.no

For more information please visit: www.fritt-ord.no