When: Thursday, 29. September 2011 13.15-14.45
To: Thursday, 29. September 2011
Where: Warsaw, Plenary Hall, OSCE
Host: Human Rights House Foundation, Front Line, Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (FIDH – OMCT)/International Federation for Human Rights
Contact: Ane Tusvik Bonde (ane.bonde@humanrightshouse.org)





Concrete examples concerning what has been done or could have been done to protect human rights defenders at risk in the countries will be given. The human rights defenders 

will through examples give recommendations to the present and future Chairmanship of the OSCE concerning how the organization can strengthen the protection mechanism of human rights defenders in the OSCE region. 


Speakers at the panel:
Russian Federation: Olga Sadovskaya, Committee Against Torture,

Azerbaijan: Rasul Jafarov, Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety

Georgia: Nazi Janezashvili Article 42 of Constitution

Kirghizstan: Valerian Vakhitov, Citizen Against Corruption

Belarus: Valentsin Stefanovich, Human Rights Centre Viasna  


Presentation of recommendations:
Maria Chichtchenkova, Front Line

Hugo Gabbero, Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (FIDH – OMCT) / International Federation for Human Rights


Ane Tusvik Bonde, Human Rights House Foundation and Dmitri Makarov, Youth Human Rights Movement 
