When: Monday, 12. September 2011 18:30-20:30
To: Monday, 17. October 2011
Where: London, Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Road, EC1R 3GA
Host: English PEN in association with the Bishopsgate Institute and Free Word
More info: www.englishpen.org/events/penevents/freespeechthenightclass/

Tutored by Mark Vernon, a founding member of The School of Life and honorary fellow at Birkbeck College, we will be discussing topics such as blasphemy, offensive language, respect, humour, incitement to violence, pornography and the Internet as well as looking at the broader philosophical and psychological arguments which are used to justify both freedom and censorship. The course will include guest speakers from the world of free speech and a session drawing on the related archive collections of Bishopsgate Library.

Tickets: £89 / £67 concessions.
How to book: Call the Bishopsgate Institute on 020 7392 9200 or book online at www.bishopsgate.org.uk