When: Sunday, 18. September 2011
To: Tuesday, 4. October 2011
Where: Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester
Contact: Mike Harris (mike@indexoncensorshipdotorg / 0207 324 2534)
More info: www.indexoncensorship.org/category/events/

This year, the British political class has looked again at media regulation – with their relationship with the media, in turn, coming under increasing scrutiny.

Alongside the Hacked Off campaign, and English PEN, we’ll be joined by Hollywood actor Hugh Grant and Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger, at three events across the conference season.

1pm Sunday 18 September: Liberal Democrat party conference (Birmingham ICC, Hall 8B)

1pm Monday 26 September: Labour party conference (Liverpool BT Convention Centre, ACC Hall 1B)

7.45pm Tuesday 4 October: Conservative party conference (Manchester Central, Exchange 9)