When: Thursday, 9. June 2011 15:00 – 17:00
To: Thursday, 9. June 2011
Where: Oslo, Fritt Ord / Freedom of Expression Foundation
Host: The Norwegian Helsinki Committee
Contact: Lene Wetteland (wetteland@nhc.no)

In April, Nursulan Nasarbaev was re-elected as president of Kazakhstan. The election result showed a clear majority for the president who has lead the country through a steady economic development over the last two decades. At the same time, with economic development follows an increased pressure to protect the tax payers’ rights. Against this backdrop, the Ombudsman’s task is to make sure the rights of the people are protected in line with international agreements and obligations. Are the current conditions in Kazakhstan conducive to the Ombudsman’s attempt to handle this challenge?

To sign up for the seminar: Send an email to Lene Wetteland at wetteland@nhc.no