When: Tuesday, 31. May 2011 14.00
To: Tuesday, 31. May 2011
Where: Vilnius
Host: Belarusian Human Rights House

At the press-conference, the well-known Belarusian and international human rights defenders will present their views.

The report of Neil Jarman, Special Rapporteur of the Committee of the International Control over the Human Rights Situation in Belarus and head of the OSCE panel of experts on freedom of assembly, will be presented to provide a fresh perspective on the nature of the events during the post-election rally and the crackdown that followed.

The speakers will be:

Victoria Gromova – program coordinator in International Youth Human Rights Movement, vice-chair of International Observation Mission in Minsk. She was among the Russian citizens expelled from Minsk because of independent human rights monitoring.

Aleh Hulak – chair-person for Belarusian Helsinki Committee, leading human rights defender in Belarus.

On June 1 Victoria and Aleh will also speak before the Lithuanian Seimas and give their perspectives about the development of the situation in Belarus.

Working language – Russian (the interpretation to English and Lithuanian can be provided if needed).

For further information:

The Committee of International Control over the Human Rights Situation in Belarus unites representatives of human rights organizations across the OSCE region and international civic networks and organizations, to monitor the overall situation with the observance of fundamental freedoms and human rights in Belarus, as well as the protection of human rights in professional activities.

The International Observation Mission was established by the Committee on Dec. 27th to monitor the human rights situation in Belarus and react to pressure on civil society. 10 participants of the Mission have since been expelled from Belarus. The Committee has also named Special Rapporteur to investigate the events of the post-electoral rally and the police response to it. 

Contact information:

+375-33-636-05-00 — International Observation Mission in Minsk,

+7-915-582-27-45— Committee of International Control,

+370 614 82880 – the Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius,


mission@hrwatch-by.org \ byc@hrgroups.org

Web-site for the Committee and the Mission: http://hrwatch-by.org.

Twitter: http://twitter.com/IOMission