When: Saturday, 28. May 2011 12.00
Where: Lewes, The Charleston Trust, Charleston, Firle, Lewes, East Sussex BN8 6LL
Contact: (www.charleston.co.uk / 01273 709 709)
More info: www.englishpen.org/events/penevents/houseofexile/

Mann’s story is intricately woven with that of his literary contemporaries, such as Brecht, Joyce, Kafka and Woolf. Writer Gillian Slovo, daughter of anti-apartheid pioneers Ruth First and Joe Slovo, has personal experience of the cost of political commitment. Her father was exiled, her mother murdered.

Her memoir, Every Secret Thing, tells of her parents’ struggle and the emotional havoc it wreaked. Gillian Slovo is the President of English PEN.

o find out more, please contact www.charleston.co.uk.

To book, please call 01273 709 709; or visit: www.brightonticketshop.com.

Shuttle bus service from Lewes station (1 hour from Victoria).