When: Friday, 13. May 2011 13.00
Where: Vilnius, Lithuanian Parliament (Constitution Hall)
Host: Belarusian HRH
Contact: (+370 5 212 7703)

Several dozens of photos made by professional photographers during the protest action on 19 December 2010 display what really happened on “Ploshcha – 2010”.

The opening of the exhibition will take place during open hearings in the Lithuanian Parliament. The hearings are designed to provide a broad platform for discussion on the current situation with human rights and liberties in Belarus, evaluate the statergies used by the democratic world to help the country out of the crisis after the presidential elections on 19 December 2010 and to show practical solidarity with the political prisoners and victims of political repressions.

The exhibition is organised by the Belarusian HRH on occasion of 15th anniversary of Human Rights Centre "Viasna".

The Human Rights Centre “Viasna” was founded in April 1996 during the mass protests of democratic opposition in Belarus for the purpose of helping the detainees and their families.

By a ruling of the Supreme Court of Republic of Belarus in 2003, “Viasna” was groundlessly deprived of official registration for taking part in monitoring of presidential election in 2001.

Despite the official ban, “Viasna” keeps giving legal assistance to the politically repressed, organising conferences, lectures, round tables, educational event; monitors the HR situation in Belarus; publishes and spreads human rights materials. HR Centre “Viasna” is one of the founders of Belarusian Human Rights House in exile in Vilnius.

Language of the event – Russian, Belarusian, English.

We kindly ask you to confirm your participation in the event by May 12, 2011 via telephone call: +370 5 212 773 or e-mail: belarus@humanrightshouse.org 


Preliminary programme

13 May 2011

Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, Constitution Hall

13:00 Opening

13:15 1 Panel

Evaluation of the situation in Belarus and actions taken by the international community

Speakers: Aliaksej Yanukevich, vice-chairman of the Belarusian Popular Front

Alies Bialatski, director of Human rights centre „Spring96“

Marius Laurinavičius, political observer, Foreign Affairs editor at „Lietuvos rytas“

14:00 2 Panel

EU and USA strategies towards Belarus and the effectiveness of it

Speakers: Alaksandr Milinkevich, chairman of the Movement For Freedom

Mikhail Chigir, ex-prime-minister of Belarus, member of National Committee of the United Civil Party

Vytis Jurkonis, The Eastern European Studies Centre, Head of Political Analysis and Research Division

Vadim Vileita, co-founder of the „BYwatch“, political analyst

14:45 Opening of the exhibition and coffee break

15:15 3 Panel

Presentation of the concept of the strategy of the National Coordination Council of the Democratic Opposition in Belarus for 2011-2012

15:45 4 Panel

Means of influences on the Belarusian regime: Black list made by EU

16:00 Closing

Tranlation to English and Russian languages will be provided.