When: Thursday, 17. March 2011 12:00 – 13:00
To: Thursday, 17. March 2011
Where: Geneva, Room 27, Palais des Nations
Host: Croatian HR NGOs, together with HRHF
Contact: Florian Irminger (florian.irminger@humanrightshouse.org / +41 797 518 042)

This side-event can be a first step to the implementation of the accepted recommendations with the participation of civil society.


  • Ambassador Vesna Vukovic, Permanent representative of the Republic of Croatia to the United Nations at Geneva
  • Sanja Sarnavka B.a.B.e., Be Active Be Emancipated, Croatia, Human Rights House, Zagreb
  • Maja Hasanbasic, Human Rights Centre, Croatia


  • Florian Irminger, Human Rights House Foundation

Refreshments will be provided.

The event is hosted by Human Rights House Zagreb, B.a.B.e. Be Active Be Emancipated, Human Rights Center of Croatia, and Human Rights House Foundation, with the participation of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Croatia to the United Nations at Geneva.