When: Wednesday, 16. March 2011 13:00 – 15:00
To: Wednesday, 16. March 2011
Where: Geneva, Room 21, Human Rights Council
Host: Co-sponsored by 15 international HR NGOs, including HRHF
Contact: Florian Irminger (florian.irminger@humanrightshouse.org / +41 797 518 042)

Ending reprisals against persons cooperating with the UN and its mechanisms in the field of human rights should be a priority for the Human Rights Council. Reprisals violate human rights and are a threat to civil society and to the effective functioning of human rights mechanisms that rely on information from civil society.

This side event will seek to explore ways in which the Human Rights Council, OHCHR and the UN system more broadly can live up to their responssibility to effectively address cases of reprisals. Short interventions by panellists will be followed by a debate with participants, with a view to identifying concrete elements of strategies that protect individuals or organisations from reprisals.


  • Orest Nowosad, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
  • Sunanda Deshapriya, journalist from Sri Lanka presenting cases of reprisals in India and Sri Lanka.
  • Florian Irminger, Human Rights House Foundation, presenting cases of reprisals against lawyers and human rights organisations in Belarus
  • Updates of the cases from Venezuela, Kenya, and Syria, presented at the 15th session, will be provided.

Refreshments will be provided.

The event is co-sponsored by Amnesty International, Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC), Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum-Asia), Baha’i International Community, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS), CIVICUS, CONECTAS Direitos Humanos, Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF), Human Rights Watch, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), International Commission of Jurists, International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT).