When: Wednesday, 23. February 2011 18.00
To: Wednesday, 23. February 2011
Where: London, Edmond J Safra Lecture Theatre, King’s College London, The Strand, WC2R 2LS
Host: English PEN student group, based at King’s College, London
Contact: (cat@englishpen.org / 020 7324 2535)
More info: www.englishpen.org/events/penevents/representingsrilankainthefaceofconflict/

In this special event exploring the long and complex history behind the conflict, Priyath Liyanage, head of the BBC Singala Service, will show an extract from his film August Sun and discuss his experiences of representing Sri Lanka in both the media and on film.

He’ll be joined by Dr. Minoli Salgado, Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Sussex and author of Writing Sri Lanka: Literature, Resistance and the Politics of Place and members of the Sri Lanka Peace and Justice Campaign.

This event is being organised and hosted by the inaugural English PEN student group, based at King’s College, London.

How to Book: Please book online, or call 020 7324 2535. It is also possible to pay on the door, but as space is limited please reserve your place in advance by emailing cat@englishpen.org