When: Tuesday, 2. November 2010 19.00
Where: basement of Chateau Neuf, Slemdalsveien 15
Host: Cultural, Spartacus Publishing and the Norwegian Burma Committee

The winning party NLD has been systematically repressed and its leader Aung San Suu Kyi has spent 15 years in house arrest.

The new elections will be neither free nor fair. The regime has ensured through legislation that the opposition has no chance to win a majority. NLD boycotted elections in protest.

Will Than Shwe succeed to cement military power for the future? Or can there be an option to create openings for democratic forces in the long term? What role can Aung San Suu Kyi and the opposition play? The panel will discuss these questions:

Khin Maung Win – Deputy Leader of the Oslo-based radio and television station Democratic Voice of Burma, who supplied material for the Oscar-nominated film Burma VJ. The station was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Jesper Bengtsson – Journalist and Head of Swedish Reporters Without Borders.

Ben Rogers – Many years Burma activist and Regional Director of Christian Solidarity Worldwide.