When: Friday, 30. July 2010 18.30
To: Friday, 30. July 2010
Where: London, Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Road, EC1R 3GA
Contact: (info@burmeseartsfestival.com)
More info: www.burmeseartsfestival.com

The evening on 30 July will feature a special preview excerpt from the new film “This Prison Where I Live”, featuring imprisoned poet and comedian Zarganar, an Honorary Member of English PEN who describes himself as the ‘loudspeaker’ for the Burmese people. We will also be presenting a Burmese Theatre Workshop dance performance and their new piece Beyond Nargis. There will be delicious Burmese food, a raffle and an auction of art work by Burmese fine artists, including Htein Lin and Phi Phi. 

Tickets are £20. To book your place, please contact the Free Word Centre on 0207 3242 570  or info@freewordonline.com

Funds raised from this event will be used exclusively on production costs of the festival itself, everybody involved is volunteering their time and there are no administration or venue costs.

The inaugural Burmese Arts Festival (14-17th October 2010) will bring together a unique group of Burmese contemporary artists and artists inspired by Burma to London’s Free Word Centre, many for the first time. Curated by internationally acclaimed visual artist and performer Htein Lin, the festival will include new presentations and productions and a celebration of Burmese culture to share with UK audiences.  The three days will encompass theatre, dance, film, installations, music, food and workshops, including a conference on the roles artists and performers can play in a changing Burma. The full programme will be announced in August.

The Festival is organised by a group of Burmese and British artists, including the Burmese Theatre Workshop, the only Burmese theatre company in Europe, in association with English PEN and Index on Censorship.