When: Friday, 18. June 2010 15.00
To: Friday, 18. June 2010
Where: Oslo, Tronsmo bookstore, Kristian Augusts gate 19
Host: Norwegian Burma Committee
Contact: Åse Sand (+ 47 915 76 251)
More info: www.tronsmo.no/

Thant Myint-U is the grandson of U Thant, UN Secretary General from 1961 to 1971.

Thant has worked in the UN system for many years and has participated in three UN peacekeeping operations.

Since 1988 he has been involved in the Burmese democracy movement, where he among other things, has worked with Burmese refugees and asylum seekers at the border between Thailand and Burma.

He has also worked on the Burma-related issues for Human Rights Watch.

In addition to this, Thant has written for the New York Times, Washington Post and Time Magazine, and he has also written several books. The most famous of these is The River of Lost footsteps, in which he describes Burma’s recent history on the basis of his own family history. Thant comes with a new book later this year.

All are welcome!