When: Tuesday, 1. June 2010 11:55
To: Tuesday, 1. June 2010
Where: Zagreb, Croatia
Host: Hotel Dubrovnik, Zagreb
Contact: Eugen Jakovcic (eugen.jakovcic@documenta.hr)

Croatian NGOs and associations of victims, victims’ families and individuals are conducting a large regional discussions on the establishment of RECOM – Regional Commission for Truth-seeking and Truth-telling About War Crimes (RECOM) in post-Yugoslav countries.

Initiative RECOM starts as of June 1st 2010, with media campaign with aim to make the public familiar with the initiative itself, and actively contribute in such a way, to peace building processes in Croatia and throughout the region og Balkan.

The name of the campaign is FACTS ABOUT ALL VICTIMS OF WARS 1991-2001. in the former Yugoslavia under which various related activities will be conducted. On of the activities is up-coming press conference tomorrow, June 1st, in Hotel Dubrovnik in Zagreb, at 11:55. 

Some of the faces of the campaign are the representatives of the victims, families of the victims and activists of our initiatives.

This is a unique regional campaign that for the first time places in the focus of its activities, the victims and that is, ALL victims of war bwteen 1991 and 2001 in the former Yugoslavia.
