When: Thursday, 27. May 2010 11:00-14:00
To: Thursday, 27. May 2010
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ante Fijamenga 14b
Host: Human Rights House
Contact: Lejla Mazlic (sarajevo@humanrightshouse.org / +387 33 660 811)
More info: www.humanrightshouse.org

Human Rights House in Sarajevo initiates the creation of so-called “shadow report” that would include all aspects of the NGO sector regarding racial discrimination in BiH, and which will contribute to the CERD discussion of the UN Committee in August this year. 

The first meeting of NGOs in BiH regarding CERD will be held on Thursday,  27th May, 2010. At this meeting, NGO coalition for CERD will be formed, discussion on where BiH is when it comes to fighting racism will be conducted and the meeting will also serve the purpose of establishing future activities of the Coalition.