When: Tuesday, 4. May 2010
To: Friday, 7. May 2010
Where: Brussel, Belgium
Host: EU, People 2 People Programme – P2P

From 4th to 7th May 2010, European Union within its People 2 People Programme – P2P, is organizing a study visit in Brussel, and the educational seminar on topic The role of civil society in offering protection and services to refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons.

The idea is that during this visit, representatives of civil society organizations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, meet with authorities and EU institutions that create and have influence on European standards and policies relating to refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons (refugees).

Also, the visit is envisioned as an opportunity for the presentation of good practice around issues of protecting the rights of asylum seekers, refugees and displaced persons in the Balkan region, and the goal is to connect and network of the participants from the region which will lead to a possible future joint programs and cooperation in this field.

Croatian representatives who attend this event is Drago Zuparic from Center for Peace Study – CMS, Zagreb.