When: Thursday, 8. April 2010 12:00
To: Thursday, 8. April 2010
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ante Fijamenga 14b
Host: Human Rights House Sarajevo

Regional campaign, “I am Roma Woman” will be presented tomorrow at 12:00 the House of Human Rights in Sarajevo.

On World Day of the Roma, the campaign will speak:

  • Sumka Bucan, director of CARE International NWB Sarajevo,
  • Indira Bajramovic, president of the Association of Roma “Better Future” from Tuzla,
  • Nedzad Jusic, president of the Association of Roma in Tuzla Eurorom, and
  • Jadranka Milicevic, project coordinator of CARE International NWB, from CURE Foundation.

The campaign is one of the activities of the three-year regional project “Empowerment of Roma Women”, implemented by CARE International NWB, as part of the Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005-2015, in partnership with the Roma women’s NGOs / associations from the region: “Better Future”, Tuzla (BiH) , “Center for Roma Initiatives”, Niksic (Montenegro), “Roma Women’s Centre-Bibi”,  Belgrade (Serbia), “The Roma Have the Heart”, Jagodnjak (Baranja, Croatia).

CARE International NWB wants to contribute to the celebration of this day, starting his regional campaign aimed at the empowerment of Roma women and raise public awareness of their position in society.