When: Wednesday, 17. March 2010 15:00
To: Wednesday, 17. March 2010
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ante Fijamenga 14b
Host: Human Rights House of Sarajevo
Contact: Vedrana Frasto (info@fondacijacure.org / +387 33 270 610)

Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2005, Wahu Kaara visits on Wednesday, 17th of March at 15:00 CURE Foundation in Human Rights House of Sarajevo. This is unique opportunity to meet and exchange experiences with Kenyan heroin.


WAHU KAARA, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005 and a candidate in the last stormy parliamentary elections in Kenya. Kaara is one of the leading advocates for social justice in Kenya and the world. She is one of the main person in the establishment of various organizations for the promotion of human rights, democracy, general education, good governance and gender equality. Wahu Kaara was delegate at national constitutional conference in Kenya and a member of the Council of the African Social Forum of the African women’s economic and political networks.

Event is postponed due to visa issues.

Wahu Kaara