When: Wednesday, 17. March 2010 18:45
To: Wednesday, 17. March 2010
Where: Oslo, Cinemateket
Contact: Norwegian Burma Committee (915 76 251)
More info: www.nfi.no/cinemateket/_kalender/vis.html?id=4810

Forced from their homeland by the repressive military junta, the families, who are from Burma’s Karen community, have lived in Mae La Camp, a Thai refugee camp, for almost twenty years. A UN relocation scheme offers them the chance of a new life, but their new home, in Sheffield, will be different to everything they’ve ever known.
With intimate access, Mat Whitecross’ feature-length documentary depicts their moving and sometimes humorous struggles with 21st century Britain. Their stories give a unique insight into the experiences of displaced people in the UK, whilst showing the human consequences of Burma’s political climate.