When: Friday, 26. March 2010 17:30
To: Friday, 26. March 2010
Where: Vilnius, Human Rights House, Latako str. 3
Host: Belarusian youth project VOKA
Contact: (vmoladz@gmail.com / +370 60 73 78 77)

The Belarusian youth project VOKA would like to invite you to the screening of the new film ”10 tactics for turning information into action”.

The 50-minute documentary includes inspiring stories from 25 rights advocates around the world who have successfully used information and digital technologies to create positive change.

10 Tactics”, made in 2009 by an international network of digital activists, is currently screened in the major cities of over 16 countries, from Beirut to L.A.

The film will be shown in English with Russian subtitles. Toolkits and other interesting materials for human rights activists will be distributed at the screening. We also invite you take part in a little discussion on technology and activism afterwards (in English and Belarusian).
