When: Monday, 22. March 2010 11:00
To: Monday, 22. March 2010
Where: Zagreb, Croatia, Selska 112A and C
Host: Human Rights House of Zagreb
Contact: Lana Vego (cms@cms.hr)
More info: www.cms.hr

The first round table on “Grass root experience of peace-building” will be held on Monday, 22nd March 2010, from 11:00 – 14:00, in the space of the Human Rights House Zagreb.

Parties are invited who have experience in the peace-building processes,  to present their experiences of direct peace-building that can be transformed into recommendations for the prevention of conflict or crisis management. 

Primarily, CMS is interested in recommendations from the perspective of civil society organizations. How do we build peace? What was done well as bad? What others can learn from our experience? What are examples of good practice? Can they transfer to other conflicts? 

Given that there is a possibility of covering the travel expenses, please fill out the attached application and send it to cms@cms.hr or fax 385 1 482 00 94, no later than 17th March 2010. After receiving all applications, CMS will contact you with further information.
