When: Tuesday, 16. March 2010 11:30
To: Tuesday, 16. March 2010
Where: Skopje, Macedonia
Host: The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi
Contact: Dragi Zmijanac (dzmijanac@childrensembassy.org.mk / +389 02 2465 316)
More info: www.childrensembassy.org.mk

The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi is organizing the First National Children’s Conference for Child Participation, as a part of the project ”Building a Culture of Child Participation”, financed by the European Union, and co-financed by UNICEF.

The conference will take place on the 16th of March 2010, Tuesday, at the Youth Cultural Center, Cinema “Frosina” (address: kej Dimitar Vlahov bb, 1000 Skopje), starting from 11:30 am. 

The First National Conference for Child Participation is first of its kind in Macedonia, on which the children will present the whole process of preparation of their Alternative report, the data from the survey they made for the needs of the report, the main conclusions and recommendations for improving the situation with the rights of the child in Macedonia, and where they will share their experience from the presentation of the report on a separate session with the Committee for the rights of the child in Geneva. Among the other activities, the children will demonstrate the children’s participation in practice through various performances.

  • MA Dragi Zmijanac, Executive Director and Founder of the First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi, will have an introduction speech at the conference.
  • His Excellency, Mr. Erwan Fouere, the EU Special Representative and Head of Delegation of the European Commission, and
  • Mr. Sheldon Yett, Head of mission of the UNICEF in the Republic of Macedonia, confirmed their presence and will address the audience at the conference.

The conference will be attended by representatives from embassies, social institutions, local government, partnership and other civil society organizations and media.

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