When: Thursday, 4. March 2010 14:00
To: Thursday, 4. March 2010
Where: Vilnius, Latako str. 3
Host: Belarusian Human Rights House
Contact: Anna Gerasimova (belarus@humanrightshouse.org / +370 5 212 7703)

Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a procedure of the UN Human Rights Council that aims to monitor the human rights situation in each United Nations (UN) member country. The human rights situation in Belarus will be reviewed in May 2010.

The report will be presented by its authors: Aleh Hulak, Chairman of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee; Valiantsin Stefanovich, Deputy Chairman of the Human Rights Centre Viasna; Andrei Bastunets, Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian Association of Journalists; and Siarhiej Mackievic, Head of the Assembly of NGOs.

The presentation will focus on the following:

  • Materials officially provided by the Belarusian government – facts pertaining to the fulfillment by Belarus of its international commitments;

  • Human rights materials prepared by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights;

  • Information, collected and analyzed by the representatives of the Belarusian civil society.

The language of the presentation is Russian with English translation.

For confirmation of participation and additional information please contact Anna Gerasimova, tel.: +370 5 212 7703, e-mail: belarus@humanrightshouse.org