When: Wednesday, 10. February 2010 11:00-14:00
To: Wednesday, 10. February 2010
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Host: Hotel „Hollywood“
Contact: Zivica Abadzic (z.abadzic@bh-hchr.org)

Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina – HCHR, in cooperation with the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, invites you to attend a conference on topic "Civil society and local communities", which will be held in Sarajevo, 10 February 2010th at the Hotel "Hollywood" (Ilidza, Dr. Pintola 23), from 11:00 to 14:00.

The purpose of the conference is to offer suggestions of possible solutions for a better and more comprehensive policy of involving citizens in decision-making processes in local communities with the goal of comprehensive promotion and protection of human rights and freedoms.

The conference is the final activity within the project "Civil Society and the Local Community," which is realized through a one-day seminars in seven local communities, with participants from 17 cities in BiH (Mostar, Capljina, Nevesinje, Srebrenica, Tuzla, Zvornik, Bijeljina, United Kladusa, Bihac, Sanski Most, Prijedor, Mrkonjic Grad, Bosnia Grahovo, Jajce, Gorazde, Sipovo and Glamoc).

At the conference were invited representatives of nongovernmental organizations, legislative and executive authorities, as well as working bodies of the municipal / municipal council / assembly, in which the very exercise of authority and affirmation of human rights and freedoms in local communities.

HCHR invitse you to attend this Conference and to create a joint proposal, which will improve practice in the affirmation of human rights and freedom of all while respecting the values and standards of European democracy.

The organizer will cover travel costs and providing lunch.

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