When: Tuesday, 16. February 2010 1pm
Where: London, Free Word Center
Contact: To reserve a place call or email (bookings@freewordonline.com / 0207 324 2570)
More info: www.indexoncensorship.org/2010/01/koestler-the-indespensible-intellectual/

Koestler was witness to some of the major events of his day: a young communist who turned against Stalin after the first show trials, an early chronicler of Zionism, a prisoner during the Spanish Civil War, a refugee from Nazi Europe. Koestler was ahead of his time: an intellectual and visionary, whose novels, non-fiction and adventurous life story are a fascinating chronicle of the last century.

Michael Scammell is the award-winning author of Solzhenitsyn, A Biography. He has translated numerous books from Russian, including Nabokov’s The Defense. He is the founder and first editor of Index on Censorship and is a vice president of International PEN. He teaches at Columbia University.