When: Saturday, 30. January 2010 19:00
To: Saturday, 30. January 2010
Where: Zagreb, Croatia, Selska 112C
Host: Human Rights House Zagreb
Contact: Igor Roginek (igor.roginek@documenta.hr)

Organizations of the Human Rights House Zagreb (B.a.B.e., CMS, Documenta, and GOLJP) along with the Green Action, invite you to a fundraising night to provide donor assistance for the victims in Haiti. The night is scheduled for Saturday, 30 January 2010. starting at 19 PM, in the Human Rights House of Zagreb.

Program of the fundraising night for the victims in Haiti:

19:00-19:10 – Tihomir Ponos: "A Brief History of Political Turmoil in Haiti";
19:10-19:20 – Jagoda Munic, "Influence of Environmental Devastation as a Result of Increase in Natural Disasters and Human Rights";
19:20-19:30 – Gordana Obradovic, "Feminist Support of Disaster";
19:30-19:40 – Lovorka Marinovic, "The Challenges of Humanitarian Intervention – Dogs of War and Disasters".

Hosts of the evening: Marina Skrabalo and Sanja Sarnavka.

Incidental music by DJ D-gree.

Funds raised will be equally paid into the accounts of the Red Cross, Caritas and UNICEF.

Organized by: