When: Thursday, 4. February 2010 10:00
To: Thursday, 4. February 2010
Where: Zagreb, Croatia
Host: Center for Human Rights
Contact: Maja Hasanbasic (mhasanbasic@human-rights.hr ; apecnik@human-rights.hr / http://www.human-rights.h)

On Thursday, the 4th February 2010 at 10 AM, Center for Human Rights in cooperation with the Human Rights House Network, organizes all-day event dedicated to news in the system of protection of human rights the UN, with a focus on Croatia.

In the morning, the Center organizes a public debate on the news within the UN system for the protection of human rights, it will present and discuss about recommendations by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) and the Human Rights Committee (HR Committee) adopted for Croatia during 2009. At the public hearing will be relevant state institutions, national human rights institutions and civil society organizations dealing with protection of human rights in Croatia, to discuss together about what Croatia does to implement the recommendations of the UN Committee.

In the second part, beginning at 13:30 am, the Center organizes a workshop for civil society organizations and national human rights institutions on the methodology of writing a report for a new UN mechanism of protection of human rights: UPR (Universal Periodic Review). The human rights situation in Croatia will be considered within the UPR on the 9th session of UN Human Rights Council (HR Council), on 29th November this year. The deadline for submission of written statements of NGOs and NHRI’s 19th April 2010.

Main speaker at a public hearing, as well as at the workshop, is Florian Irminger, Head of Human Rights House Foundation Office in Geneva. 

During the entire event translation will be provided and refreshments, lunch is provided during the long break. Enclosed is a preliminary program of discussion and workshops.

Deadline for application is 29th January 2010.
