When: Wednesday, 6. January 2010
To: Sunday, 14. February 2010
Where: Donja Stubica, Croatia
Host: CMS, Mlada MIRamiDA
Contact: Emina Buzinkic (skola.ljudskih.prava@gmail.com)
More info: www.cms.hr

Center for Peace Studies (CMS), Mlada MIRamiDA, in cooperation and with financial support from the Norwegian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and the City of Zagreb, in the period from 6th to 14th February 2010., organizes 21st in a row, National School of Human Rights for the Youth in Donja Stubica. 

If you’re a teenager, you want to learn, meet peers from your country, share and expand your experiences, socialize … are aware that there are problems in society, you have the need to deal with them and actively change society in which you live, think about how you do not have enough knowledge … if you want to hear what your society where you live do not allow you to hear, but also do something about it …  then subscribe to 21st Human Rights School for the Youth!

The aim of this school, among other things, is to offer you knowledge on theory and the idea of human rights, principles of democracy, tolerance, solidarity, non-violent communication, and to encourage you in critical thinking. 

The project "Human Rights School for Youth" has been ongoing since 2000. It is the part of the regional program under the Human Rights School for Youth of Western Balkans. So in addition to schools in Croatia, the same school is organized in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo. 

Who can apply? 
Pupils 2, 3 and 4 grade high school students, Croatian citizens.

Send a motivational letter and e-mail to skole.ljudskih.prava @ gmail.com. The deadline for applications is 26th January 2010.  The number of participants is limited to 20, the selection criteria will be conducted in accordance of balanced gender, age and geographical representation. 

Information about the venue, hotel, program and other details will be told to those whose applications will be selected. The school is free, which means that the costs of travel, food and accommodation shall be borne by the organizer. 

The organizers: Center for Peace Studies is a (CMS) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that promotes nonviolence and social change by linking education, research, activism and involvement in public policy. CMS is a member of the Croatian anti-war campaign, a network of more than 20 civil groups that promote non-violence, women’s rights and human rights. 

Team Mlada MIRamiDA (Young MIRamiDA) is directed to the promotion and protection of human rights, they work on raising awareness of young on non-violent conflict resolution, they encourage multicultural tolerance and active involvement of youth in civil society, and make them feel and act responsible in participation at all levels of society. One of the very important activities of this organizations is extra-institutional form of education and youth. 

Organized by: