When: Wednesday, 27. January 2010 11:00
To: Wednesday, 27. January 2010
Where: Zagreb, Croatia, Selska 112C
Host: CMS / Human Rights House Zagreb
Contact: Lana Vego (+385 (0) 98 9595890)

Center for Peace Studies – CMS organizes round table on topic "The experience of war history and lessons learned: peaceful reintegration", which will be held on 27.1.2010.  in the Human Rights House of Zagreb, Selska Street 112 C, starting at 11 AM.

CMS with other peace organizations marked the 15th January as 12th anniversary of the peaceful reintegration of Eastern Slavonia and the Podunavlje. By this method of reintegration, the Republic of Croatia has made civilian control over the entire national territory without firing a single bullet, no human casualties and serious violations of humanitarian law.

However, by official observance and celebration of only military actions, such as "Flash" and "Storm", state institutions unfairly marginalize and ignore the peace initiatives. 

Center for Peace Studies considers that it is important, with this aim, to encourage public debate and to organize a round table with the following program: 

11:00 to 12:00 Speakers: 

Kruno Kardov – Assistant at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb;

Katarina Kruhonja – Center for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights, Osijek ;

Gordana Stojanovic – winner of the Pax Christi Award for Peace, Justice and Nonviolence ;

Drago Hedl – journalist.

12:00 to 12:30 Break 

12:30-14:00 Discussion 

After a brief speach by each of the speakers, public contribution via comments, experiences or opinions will be highly welcome and appreciated.

Round-table will be recorded, transcribed and later edited with stressed relevant parts of the discussion, for publication in the edition of CMS. Release of publication is expected in April.
