When: Wednesday, 21. October 2009
To: Thursday, 29. October 2009
Host: Office of Regional Coordinator for Youth Groups in Western Balkan
Contact: Adela Galesic (adela.galesic@humanrightschools.org / + 387 33 522 865)
More info: www.humanrightschools.org

The next regional human rights school will take place in Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina from October 21 till October 29, 2009.

Throughout the School participants will travel to Srebrenica, Vukovar, Sarajevo, Konjic, talk to time witnesses and survivors of war crimes, to NGO activists working on reconciliation processes and Transitional Justice and they will jointly work on establishing a web based regional electronic tool for youth dealing with Transitional Justice.

Regional program ‘Human rights schools for youth in the Western Balkans’ annually organizes human rights schools for youth from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

These schools were aimed to give participants the in-depth knowledge on the events which took place before and during the wars, to enable them to understand the background and consequences of war crimes committed, to acknowledge the dimension of human sufferings during this period and to establish a basic feeling for the way how we treat this common history.

These schools are also aimed to offer a platform for participants to create own activities, initiatives and actions directed to youth engagement in processes of confrontation with the past.
