When: Friday, 23. October 2009 7 pm
Where: London, EC2A 3EA, Amnesty International UK’s Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard
Host: Hammersmith and Fulham Group of Amnesty International
More info: www.englishpen.org/events/otherevents/lookeuropebyghazirabihavi/

The recent mass arrests of journalists in Iran have given the play a sharp relevance today.

Harold Pinter produced and performed in the play at the Almeida Theatre in October 1997, saying ‘I wanted to…bring this play to the light’ in view of its wider implications for freedom of the press and general freedom of expression.

Faraj Sarkohi himself has agreed to speak at the Q&A session following the reading. Other speakers will include Judith Vidalhall of Index on Censorship.

Organised by the Hammersmith and Fulham Group of Amnesty International.

To book tickets: 

Please book seats in advance on www.amnesty.org.uk/events. A donation of £5 will be requested on the door, but please do give more if you can.

How to get there:  

Nearest stations: Old Street (Exit 3) or Liverpool Street (Exit escalator to Bishopsgate).