When: Wednesday, 7. October 2009
To: Saturday, 10. October 2009
Where: Oslo
Host: 21 NGOs of Norway including Health and Human Rights Info and FoodFirst Information and Action Network
More info: www.blueoctobercampaign.org/wordpress/?p=192

Wednesday, October 7th – Opening of Blue October!
Outside of parliament, we’ll form a massive queue of people. Maude Barlow, Senior Advisor on Water to the President of the UN General Assembly, will give a short speech about the right to water, and we’ll give a Norwegian politician our demands on water, climate and sanitation.
In the evening, Maude Barlow will have a debate meeting titled “The Global Water Crisis and the coming Battle for the Right to Water.”

Thursday, October 8th – K2K and Climate X – A search for water
At technical museum, Silje Hernes will give a lecture for high school pupils about the water crisis followed by a Climate X expedition tour at the museum.. Silje traveled through India for 3 months on a motorcycle to document the water shortages in India

Water as a Public Service lunch seminar
Indian lawyer and water activist Dr. Veeraraghavan Suresh, Emanuele Lobina at Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU) at Greenwich University in London, a representative for the union “Fagforbundet” and a representative from the Norwegian foreign affairs ministry will discuss public-public partnerships.

Seminar: Water problems in a development perspective
Changemaker, the youth organization to the Norwegian Church aid, are arranging a seminar on water problems, seen from a development perspective.

Blue Gold: World water wars – film viewing and discussion
Film viewing of Blue Gold which is based on the book Blue Gold: The fight to stop the corporate theft of the world’s water by Maude Barlow. After the film, there will be a discussion with Maude Barlow, Dr. Veeraraghavan Suresh and Norwegian politicians.

Friday, October 9th – K2K and Climate X – A search for water
At technical museum Silje Hernes will have a lecture for high school pupils about the water crisis followed by a Climate X expedition tour at the museum. Silje travelled through India for 3 months on a motorcycle to document the water shortages in India.

Lecture/debate at University of Ås
Four different NGOs will give discuss the right to water and what they believe are the biggest challenges the world faces today. This will be followed by a panel debate.

Saturday, October 10th – Family day at Oslo Centrum
All 21 NGOs will participate in stands, games for the children and concert later in the evening. People’s common right to water will be the theme of the day.