When: Thursday, 19. November 2009 18.00
Where: Oslo, Litteraturhuset, Nedjma (3th floor)
Host: Norwegian PEN
More info: www.norskpen.no/php/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=38&Itemid=54

Together with other experts on Afghanistan, Norwegian PEN’s deputy Elisabeth Eide and PRIO director Kristian Berg Harpviken, he will discuss the development of civil society in Afghanistan: Do Norwegian troops there help to stabilize a fragile democracy, or to destabilize a nation with thirty years of war behind themselves? Are efforts defensive or offensive? Is the Western presence a real protection against terrorism after the bombing of civilians which can help to strengthen the Taliban? What limits are there for Norway’s support for a government that violates human rights and freedom of speech?
     These and other questions will be discussed during the seminar which will take place in Nedjma (3 th floor) in the House of Literature in Oslo, Thursday, 19 November at 18.00