When: Saturday, 12. September 2009 11:55
To: Friday, 2. October 2009
Where: Sarajevo
Host: Association Renesansa
Contact: Snjezana Rubcic (renesans@bih.net.ba / +387 33 618 274)
More info: www.renesansa.com.ba

Registration for the second Race for the Cure event, will take place in four locations in Sarajevo this year: in front of Sarajevo Cathedral, Mercator Dobrinja, Mercator Lozionicka and in Ilidza, on following dates:

  • September 12th ;
  • September 26th ;
  • October 1st and 2nd.

Race for the Cure is happening for the second time in Sarajevo, again with the aim to gather citizens, friends, and relatives of women who have suffered or suffer from breast cancer, also to gather celebrities, persons from public life, school teams etc. all in order to raise awareness of the breast cancer danger.

The specific aim this year is to collect means for medical treatment of one woman who is on the waiting list. One medical treatment costs 25 000 Euros. Collected money from the Race for the Cure will be handed over to the Federal Fund of Solidarity envisioned for purchasing expensive medicines.

According to researches, every eighth woman in Bosnia and Herzegovina suffers from breast cancer. In many cases, the cancer is diagnosed too late. Therefore, all women should regularly make three prevention steps:

  • Regular self-examination
  • Regular ultra-sound examination
  • Regular mammography examination (starting as of 40 years)

Organizations participants of the Race:

ISKRA – Banja Luka; Association of Women Tuzla – Tuzla; Zivot (Life) – Zenica; Novi pogled (New View) – Mostar; Narcis – Siroki Brijeg; Biser (Pearl) – Gorazde; Brcansko srce (Brcko Heart) – Brcko; Aska – Visegrad; Zraka Sunca (Suntrack) – Kiseljak; Donna – Bugojno; Nit zivota (Lifeline) – Visoko; Bistrica – Livno; Otvori oci, dan je (Open Your Eyes, It’s Daylight) – Travnik; Vitalis – Pale and, Nada (Hope) – Jajce.

The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure is a series of 5K runs and fitness walks that raises significant funds and awareness for the fight against breast cancer, celebrates breast cancer survivorship, and memorializes those who have died from the disease.

Funds raised by the events help to support community outreach programs. The money supports local community breast health education and breast cancer screening and treatment projects as well as the Komen Award and Research Grant Program.

Since its origination by the Susan G. Komen for the Cure nonprofit in 1983, the annual event has grown from one local race in Dallas, Texas with 800 participants to nearly 120 races, extending beyond the U.S. to include locales in Germany, Italy, Puerto Rico and as of October last year, Bosnia and Herzegovina as well.

Together We Race for the Cure:
