When: Thursday, 17. September 2009 13:00
To: Thursday, 17. September 2009
Where: London EC1R 3GA, Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Road,
Host: Index on Censorship
Contact: (events@indexoncensorship.org / 020 7324 2522)
More info: www.freewordonline.com/events/

Please join us for a lunchtime panel discussion with Nina Ognianova, author of the report, Manana Aslamazyan, executive director, Internews Europe and Richard Sambrook, director, BBC global news and vice president International News Safety Institute. The discussion is chaired by Jo Glanville, editor, Index on Censorship.

To reserve a place please email events@indexoncensorship.org or call
020 7324 2522.