When: Wednesday, 2. September 2009 11:00
To: Wednesday, 2. September 2009
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia, Ante Fijamenga 14b
Host: Human Rights House Sarajevo
Contact: Lejla Mazlic (sarajevo@humanrightshouse.org / + 387 33 660 811)

Meeting of the Editorial Group for Review of the NGO Report for the UPR of Bosnia and Herzegovina in February next year, will take place in Human Rights House Sarajevo on September 2nd at 11 a.m.

The agenda of the meeting is following:

  • Determing the final text of the Joint NGO Report for UPR of B&H ;
  • Taking in consideration recommendations by NGOs in B&H and determing joint recommendations in the Report ;
  • Various.

The meeting is organized within the project "UPR – Occasion to Strengthen Civil Society and Improve Human Rights in B&H", financed and supported by Swiss Embassy, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Rights House Network, and is implemented by Human Rights House Sarajevo.

More info:

UPR Webpage

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