When: Friday, 17. July 2009 11:30
To: Friday, 17. July 2009
Where: Zagreb, Croatia, Kralja Drzislava 6
Host: Center for Human Rights
Contact: Vesna Terselic (kontakt@documenta.hr)

Documenta in cooperation with GOLJP (Civic Committee for Human Rights) and CPNHR (Center for Peace, Non-Violence and Human Rights), organizes press conference regarding recent constitutional appeals against crimes committed upon civilians in Novska. The press conference is triggered by recent decision of Constitutional Court to reject the appeal of Marica Seatovic, whose husband was murdered in November 1991. and appeal made by Petar Mileusnic, whose wife and daughter were murdered in December 1991.

The press conference will take place in the Center for Human Rights on Friday, July 17th at 11:30 a.m.


  • Vesna Terselic, Documenta – Center for Dealing With the Past;
  • Marica Seatovic, wife of the murdered Mihajlo Seatovic;
  • Zoran Pusic, Civic Committee for Human Rights.

Organized by:



GOLJP ; Documenta ; CPNHR