When: Monday, 29. June 2009 10:00
To: Monday, 29. June 2009
Where: Zagreb, Kralja Drzislava 6
Host: Center for Human Rights
Contact: Documenta (kontakt@documenta.hr / + 385 1 4572398)

The press conference will present key facts of semi-annual report on war crimes in Croatia and proposals for constitution reforms regarding representatives’ imunity. The press conference will take place in Center for Human Rights in Zagreb, on Monday 29th of June at 10 a.m.

Speakers on the conference are:

Vesna Terselic, Documenta – Center for Dealing With the Past, Zagreb;

Katarina Kruhonja, Center for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights (CNHR), Osijek; 

Marko Sjekavica, Civic Committee for Human Rights (GOLJP), Zagreb.

Certain cases will be discussed with those who monitored the process of war crime trials. 

Organized by:




GOLJP ; Documenta ; CPNHR